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A very special addition

A very special announcement from the Rainshadow family. Rainshadow Pachamama gave birth March 30, 2019, to a gorgeous female hairless puppy. The sire of this very special puppy is Aust Ch Wanhan Wuoren Lumottu Aika (Imp Fin).

This puppy was born through the miracle of ART (assistive reproductive technology). Quatay (the sire) passed away in 2017 and lived in Australia.  Sally Johnson, Quatay’s owner, helped me import semen to the United States from Quatay several years ago. There is one more breeding left of Quatay’s semen and it is not for sale. This is the first live birth from that semen importation. I believe we need to do more of this type of breeding because our gene pool is so small and we should be sharing our genetics around the world. If any other Peruvian Hairless breeders are interested in participating in this type of a breeding program with me, I would be very interested in speaking with them.

This beautiful little girl is already spoken for and will be going to a loving home in Southern California. I am planning a summer litter with Margaret. Look for more information in the future.

Please check back and keep an eye on this special pup growing up. Today she is 14 days old.

Be gentle.


  1. Chris Andersen

    So adorable…are they for sale?

    • justelou@gmail.com

      Hi Chris,

      This litter is sold. I will be breeding another litter that will have pups available in the summer. I can keep you updated!

      Be gentle,

  2. Heather

    Interested, can you please let me know when you have another litter

    • justelou@gmail.com

      Hi Heather.
      I will let you know when we have another litter.

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